Male Fertility Gene Atlas

CRU Male Germ Cells

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Supplementary table S6

LUKASSEN, Soeren, et al. Characterization of germ cell differentiation in the male mouse through single-cell RNA sequencing. Scientific reports, 2018, 8. Jg., Nr. 1, S. 6521-6521.



QC statistics for single-cell sequencing are listed in Supplementary data Table S6.


The publication Characterization of germ cell differentiation in the male mouse through single-cell RNA sequencing by S. Lukassen, E. Bosch , A. B. Ekici & A. Winterpacht is published under an open access license: Permits to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Curation by the MFGA team

Pie chart of selected column


QCParameter Mouse1 Mouse2
Estimated cell count 1237 1315
Number of reads produced 199284287 198383896
Mean reads per cell* 53003 55970
% reads mapped to transcriptome 62.1 64.6
% mapped to exons 66.7 68.7
% mapped intronic 4 3.9
% mapped antisense 5 4.8
% mapped intergenic 4.7 4.4
% Sequencing saturation** 31.2 30.4
Median UMIs per cell 17871 20456
Median genes per cell 4405 4711
Total genes detected 25540 26070
% Q30 bases in RNA read 82.5 83.8