Male Fertility Gene Atlas

CRU Male Germ Cells

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Table 1: Singleton sequence variants in TEX11 found in infertile patients and controls

YANG, Fang, et al. TEX11 is mutated in infertile men with azoospermia and regulates genome‐wide recombination rates in mouse. EMBO molecular medicine, 2015, 7. Jg., Nr. 9, S. 1198-1210.




The publication TEX11 is mutated in infertile men with azoospermia and regulates genome‐wide recombination rates in mouse by Fang Yang, Sherman Silber, N Adrian Leu, Robert D Oates, Janet D Marszalek, Helen Skaletsky, Laura G Brown, Steve Rozen, David C Page, P Jeremy Wang is published under an open access license: Granted rights: share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.

Curation by the MFGA team

Pie chart of selected column


Position NucleotideChange ResultantChange Patient_id InfertileMales_azoospermic ControlMales_fertile ControlMales_nihDiversity_
Exon 6 349T->A Missense mutation_W117R WHT3150 1
Exon 6 405C->T Silent mutation WHT3171 1
Exon 7 424G->A Missense mutation_V1421 WHT3417 1
Exon 7 515A->G Missense mutation_Q172R WHT3500 1
Exon 10 731C->T Missense mutation_T2441 WHT2546 1
Exon 16 1258Ins (TT) Frameshift mutation_1258GATG->TTGGTA WHT3759 1
Exon 26 2243T->C Missense mutation_V748A WHT2499 1
Exon 27 2319T->C Silent mutation WHT2546 1
Intron 3 -17T->C Intronic alteration WHT3448 1
Intron 5 -48G>A Intronic alteration WHT3040 1
Intron 10 +42C->A Intronic alteration WHT3839 1
Intron 12 -28T->C Intronic alteration WHT3058 1
Intron 15 -64G->A Intronic alteration WHT3158 1
Intron 21 -1G->A Alteration of splicing acceptor site WHT2445 1
Intron 22 -37A->G Intronic alteration WHT3059 1
Intron 24 +119->A Intronic alteration WHT3158 1
Intron 27 -55A->C Intronic alteration WHT2546 1
Intron 28 -44A->G Intronic alteration WHT3864 1
Exon 7 466A->G Missense mutation_M152V 1
Intron 20 +16A->G Intronic alteration 1
Intron 23 -44C->T Intronic alteration 1